Our Vision

Rethinking Health Care

The current changes in health care call for vigorous new approaches – new ideas, new momentum, and new structures. The Bosch Health Campus is rising to the challenges ahead. The interplay between Care, Research, Education, and Empowerment creates synergy, speed, and agility, allowing us to boost people’s health preventively, and not just when they fall ill.


Our Mission

Driven by megatrends like demographic change, digitalization, technological innovations, and global developments such as migration or climate change, our health care system is rapidly changing. 
We want to, and can, help shape these changes and embody them on Campus. Public health care is a core concern of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and a vital part of the legacy of its founder Robert Bosch. 
In establishing the Bosch Health Campus (BHC), the Foundation is facing up to these current challenges in health care. The Campus brings together all of the Foundation’s activities and institutions in the field of health care. This includes patient care, biomedical research, education, training, and continuing professional development for doctors and nurses, and the funding of promising ideas for better health care.

The Idea behind the Bosch Health Campus

By bringing the individual specialist departments together under one roof, we are able to offer the patients in our care modern and interdisciplinary treatment at university level – especially for those with complex clinical needs.
The close integration of treatment and medical research on one campus creates an ideal environment for translational medicine and thus the rapid and direct implementation of the results of cutting-edge research in health care. As such, the Learning Center on Campus offers opportunities for targeted and forward-looking training, education, and continuing professional development for health care professionals.
The integrated support area – the Robert Bosch Center for Innovative Health – transforms the Campus into a living lab, a vibrant experimental field to promote ideas and concepts for improving the health care of tomorrow. As an independent and nonprofit entity, the Center also carries out projects with external partners and promotes innovative third-party activities. 

In times of disruptive change, being able to act with speed and agility is a key success factor. The Bosch Health Campus lays all the groundwork for quick decision-making. The Campus is able to respond flexibly to the challenges ahead and, as such, can reliably provide high-quality care and health care.

The Four Megatrends

Powerful drivers of change are impacting health care as we know it. These include four clear megatrends which the Bosch Health Campus aims to address.


The digitalization of public health must move forward. Digital solutions, such as digital patient records, telemedicine, or the use of artificial intelligence, result in affordable high-quality health care. This holds true in fields and locations where this was previously inaccessible or where the shortage of doctors will make it inaccessible in future.

Global Issues

Global developments such as pandemics and new pathologies as well as migration and climate change are impacting the health care sector. But the Bosch Health Campus is responding to global developments by ensuring rapid action, overcoming language barriers, acting with cultural sensitivity in mind, integrating employees, involving patients and their families, and providing easy-to-understand information, to name just a few ways.

Demographic Change

People are living longer. More and more, they are falling ill in complex ways and with multiple conditions. Health maintenance and prevention are growing in importance, and we need to find a new balance between inpatient and outpatient care. The same is true for targeted education and training as well as using digital solutions like telemedicine to address the shortage of skilled workers in the health care sector. 

Technological Progress

Innovations across the sphere of technology are bringing robotics to treatment and care. Similarly, we are seeing the emergence of new treatment options with fewer side effects. The Bosch Health Campus is involved with pilot applications, takes part in studies, and shares ideas in collaborations and international multidisciplinary networks.